Hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.
If you’ve experienced lash breakage or lash loss, or you just want thicker, longer, and fuller lashes - there is an easy way to get eyelash enhancement. Latisse® is a once-nightly treatment you apply topically to the base of your upper eyelashes, providing results in a few short months. Latisse® is the first and only prescription eyelash product in Canada.
What Is Latisse®?
Latisse® is a prescription eyelash product approved in Canada to grow your natural eyelashes fuller, longer, and darker.
How Long Does It Take To Work?
Around week 4, you may start to see some lash growth. Week 8 you should see some fullness and darkness. Week 12 shows some enhanced results. By week 16, it will be the most dramatic result.
How Often Do You Have to Use Latisse®?
Once a day. Using it more will not do anything. Latisse® is applied with an applicator to the base of the upper eyelash.
What Happens if my Lashes Get Too Long?
Lessen the dose. Cut it down to every other day or a few times a week. Remember though, if you stop it completely, your lashes will go back to the way they once were.
What Are the Ingredients in Latisse®?
Active ingredient is bimatoprost that increases the duration of the anagen or growth phase of the hair cycle: increased thickness/fullness is believed to result from extending the anagen phase and increase in darkness occurs by stimulation of pigment (melanin) formation in the hair follicles. The overall effect is increased length, thickness and darkness of eyelashes (prominence).