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Belkyra™ is an injectable treatment for both men and women who are bothered by fullness under the chin and wish to improve the appearance of their chin profile. Belkyra™ is a naturally occurring substance found in our body - deoxycholic acid. The fat cells are destroyed and can no longer store fat. Making this a permanent treatment.

What Causes Fullness Under the Chin?

  1. aging

  2. genetics

  3. weight gain

How Does it Work?

The active ingredient in Belkyra™ is Deoxycholic Acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown & absorption of dietary fat.

How Many Treatments Does it Require?

Depending on amount of submental fullness and aesthetic goal. Typically 2-4 treatments are needed for optimal results and spaced out 4-6 weeks.

How Long Is The Treatment

  • 15-20 minutes.

  • 2-4 treatments ( 4-6 weeks apart).

  • Once at goal no re-treatment is required.

What Are the Benefits of the Treatment?

  1. minimally invasive

  2. fast & easy

  3. little to no downtime

  4. results are permanent as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained

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